Frequently Asked Questions.

Is this therapy?

No. Mental performance coaches work within the realm of applied sport psychology but are not sports psychologists. It is a specialized field that focuses on enhancing an individual’s cognitive and emotional abilities to help them become better in various areas, such as sports, academics, business and the arts.

How long are the sessions?

Sessions are between 30-50 minutes long.

How much does it cost?

A wide variety of investment options are available to fit the client’s needs and budget.

Is there a minimum age?

No, there is no set minimum age for working with a mental performance coach. The individual’s age, development stage and cognitive abilities are taken into consideration when designing and implementing the program. Clients under the age of 16 require an additional consent form signed by a parental guardian and attendance of the guardian during sessions will be discussed.

I am not from Ottawa/Gatineau. Can I still benefit from your services?

Definitely! Remote consultation services are available through video conferencing. They are a convenient option for individuals who live in different locations or have scheduling conflicts that make it difficult to attend in-person sessions.

I am not a competitive athlete; can I still benefit from mental performance training?

Absolutely! Refining mental skills can help individuals improve their performance in various aspects of life, including sports, work, and daily activities. Mental skills such as focus, concentration, motivation, goal-setting, visualization, and self-talk can all be developed to help individuals achieve their desired outcomes. Additionally, working on mental skills can also help individuals manage stress, build resilience, and improve overall well-being.

Why have the option of individual and group sessions?

Group mental performance sessions are a great way to divide costs and learn mental skills in a supportive and collaborative environment. Working with others who are in similar situations can provide a sense of community and shared experience that can be helpful in building motivation and accountability. Group sessions can also offer the opportunity to learn from others’ perspectives and experiences. Participants can share their challenges and successes, provide feedback, and offer support and encouragement to one another.

Will you tell my coach/parent anything I tell you?

In accordance with the Canadian Sport Psychology Association Code of Ethics, the information disclosed by clients during sessions conducted in person, online, or via telephone and email is confidential and will not be divulged to outside parties without the client’s permission. There can be, at times, circumstances in which I seek advice from peers and supervisors, at which point the particulars of a client’s situation are discussed, but the identity is not revealed.

When working with teams: Respecting the privacy and confidentiality of athletes is an essential aspect of mental performance consulting. If the team employs me, each athlete will first be asked to give consent to inform the coach whom I am meeting with and how many sessions. However, nothing from the sessions will be disclosed to the coach.